What are 'pigeon toes'?

Pigeon Toe or In-toeing where the toes point inwards is a common condition that we treat here at the Active Foot Clinic. 

Why is it important that we correct in-toeing?

When children and adults walk with their feet not aligned correctly joints wear more on one side, muscles work harder on one side of the joint, some ligaments and joint capsules stretch while others contract. This can lead to wear and tear, injuries, joint damage and arthritis down the track. Keeping children and adults well aligned can help to prevent these complications now and into the future so that you can stay pain free and active throughout life. 

What causes intoeing?

  • Muscle imbalance and soft tissue contractions in feet, legs or hips

  • Family history of metatarsus adductus

  • Position of baby in uterus

  • Sleeping position of baby

  • Stunted development of foot in utero (8-9wks)

  • Abnormal muscle insertions in the foot

  • Has been linked with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)

  • Hypermobility

  • Poor sitting posture

Treatment Options

Chosen treatment options for in-toeing will vary depend on several factors including  age, severity, rigidity. The earlier we treat the better.  

Treatment options may include:

Changing sleeping or sitting position of child, orthotics with gait plates, walking training, stretching and strengthening exercises, casting, splints or braces, surgery, mobilisation and shoe padding. 

For more information, or a through assessment come and see one of our friendly podiatrists today! 

Cristy Houghton